Tag: Juan Crisostomo Ibarra

  • Maria Clara the Tragic

    Maria Clara the Tragic

    Who is the real Maria Clara? Part 2 of 2 parts. If there has to be a single adjective for Maria Clara of the Noli Me Tangere, it cannot be ideal because author Dr. Jose Rizal never called her that. He called her pure, beautiful, and brave, but each of these words do not sum…

  • Who is the real Maria Clara?

    Who is the real Maria Clara?

    Part 1 of 2 parts: Maria Clara the Brave When Jose Rizal’s fictional governor-general in the Noli Me Tangere remarked that Maria Clara was the most virtuous of daughters, he wasn’t referring to her Catholic moral virtues, but rather, to her courage. Yes, Maria Clara was actually brave. Her courage, however, is hardly talked about…